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Dust Monitoring

Real Time, Actionable Insights 

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Request more information about how AKJ Chemicals can help you clear the air with next level dust control programs featuring real time dust monitoring.

Real Time Dust Monitoring

Effective dust control programs involve much more than just selecting the proper chemistry.  AKJ can go beyond implementing a simple static solution that applies the same amount of chemistry and water regardless of current site conditions.  Leveraging state of the art, cloud ready dust monitors from Oizom allows AKJ to offers automated systems that make data driven decisions.  

Assessing dust levels in real time at critical locations within your plant and feeding that data to suppression equipment helps customers maintain compliance, use less water and chemistry, and maintain a safe working environment with the lowest possible cost of operation.  Let AKJ take your dust control programs to the next level with best in class chemistry and technology that deliver actionable insights for impactful results.

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Data Driven Decision Making

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10175 Six Mile Cypress Parkway   |  Unit 1  |  Fort Myers, Florida 33966  |  239-939-1696

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